Ghostbusters Kinetic Typography



Using audio dialogue from any form of media, movies, TV shows, theater, etc. to create a kinetic typography animated video.

Ghostbusters Inspiration

Peter Venkman played by Bill Murray being slimed
Ghostbusters Color Palette

Who you gunna call? You know there is no one better to battle spooks and specters than the Ghostbusters. Witness the famous line “He slimed me” through movable type that not only reminds viewers of the famous scene. But creates a whole new experience of seeing this iconic movie moment with only animated typography.

Design Strategy

When I first began concepting for the kinetic type I wanted to incorporate more graphics that were iconic from Ghostbusters. However, the more I kept adding the further away I was getting from the point that the type itself should represent the movie line. I decided then that instead of graphics to use the type itself to recreate the anxious emotion and atmosphere that is felt in the scene.   

Kinetic Type Scenes


After removing some graphics and using the color palette from the movie, I began to use specific font types in order to recapture the specific emotion in the scene. I used bold fonts to emphasize emotion coming from the characters for when they felt anxious or when they were shouting and even some bubbly fonts to set the feeling of when Venkman gets slimed. 

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