Crooked Current Seltzer Extension

Crooked Current Seltzer Logo


Create a seltzer line extension for a local Rhode Island brewery in order to generate a new target audience for the business.


The brewery I chose to add a seltzer line extension is called Crooked Current Brewery. I decided on this particular brewery because I thought the name and their style was very interesting.

Design Strategy

When I began to concept ideas, I knew exactly the direction I wanted to go with the seltzer line. Crooked Current Brewery’s value proposition honors their home state (Rhode Island) and they use that position to market themselves to consumers. 

I wanted to continue their tradition (their value proposition) of honoring their home state by designing the seltzer line around recognizable Rhode Island iconography.


Crooked Current Seltzer Logo

Starting off with creating the logo for the new seltzer line, I wanted to go the opposite direction with designing the logo. When I was doing research on seltzer design, a lot of logos were bubbly and had all these vibrant colors. 

I knew right there and then that kind of style would not work for a brand with the word “crooked” in its name. I was actually inspire by hot sauce logos, they had a more darker yet fun appeal to their designs.  


Similar with the logo design, I struggled with capturing the word ”crooked” in the designing of the seltzer cans. A lot of my designs had all these bright saturated colors that did not fit with the brand’s name and with the new logo design. 

I ending up going in the complete opposite direction and decided to use darker tones of just one color for each flavor. This new color design merged well with the new logo and with the name Crooked Current. Afterwards I continue that darker style with the designs for the 4-Pack packaging. 

Additional Work

Green Crooked Current Seltzer Koozie
Blue Crooked Current Seltzer Koozie
Red Crooked Current Seltzer Koozie

After completing the cans and 4-pack designs, I ended up creating koozies merchandise and posters for the seltzer line. I created a cobranded opportunity with Brumate (company that creates high quality seltzer koozies) and designed Rhode Island based posters marketing the new seltzer for the brewery.  

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