Metropolis Coffee Rebrand

Metropolis Coffee Cup Mockup


Rebrand Metropolis Coffee by designing a new logo, value proposition, and packaging, for the brand to have a stronger consumer to brand relationship. 


Using the new value proposition I created that focuses on community as the key design direction for the rebrand. This is to show consumers Metropolis Coffee’s contribution and aid with charities in their city and around the world. 

This new direction for the brand will advertise Metropolis Coffee as a business that gives back to its community, which creates a stronger relationship between the brand and its consumers.    

Design Strategy

With having the idea of community as the key design concept for the rebrand. I knew I wanted to incorporate people into the new logo while also sticking to the name metropolis. I bounced around a few ideas for how the people could be placed and represented. I ended up deciding on the idea of these towering figures that were people but resemble towering skyscrapers.

Also, I continue to use Metropolis Coffee’s green as my color palette because I though the colors for the brand did not need to be improved upon. I thought the green connected well with how careful and caring they are with growing their coffee and further enhance that sense of unity I was aiming for with the new value proposition.    

Logo Rebrand for Metropolis Coffee


Once finalizing the logo, I moved onto the next phase for the rebrand, which was creating some package designs for Keurig boxes. I decided on using two of their flavors that allowed us to show some diversity between the designs.

The Skyway Blend allowed me to continue to use the same design and color palette as the new logo and further explore the community aspect for the brand. The Spice Island Blend allowed me to venture out with a different layout from the cityscape and expand upon my color choices.   

Additional Work

Mobile Interface
Mobile Interface Mockup

The mobile interface I designed was to bring more awareness to the new value proposition. However, I still wished to provide the basic information about the business, such as their products, team members, gallery, etc.  

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