Diorama Animated Short


Diorama Challenge

Create a short animated diorama with handmade elements that will be put into three dimensional space with Adobe After Effects.


Treasure Planet Poster

 Decided to create my diorama about Disney’s Treasure Planet, which is an interpretation on the novel, Treasure IslandI wanted to encompass the style and the theme of movie inside this short animated diorama. 

The main goal of the diorama was to sharpen my skills with After Effects and create my very first animated piece.

Design Strategy

When I began this project, I had to decide how I would make the assets (the clouds, the dock, the book, etc.) for the diorama.  

I ended up designing my assets using some watercolor brush pens from Arteza. These brush pens were perfect in order to capture the different elements I incorporated into the diorama (the light and softness of the clouds, texturing the dock and rocks).

Watercolor Assets Test
Watercolor Cloud Palette
Watercolor Brush Palette


Once I finished drawing the assets, I scanned them all in on the computer and began to work in After Effects.There I made the assets into 3D objects and with the use of the camera was able to place these objects on top of one another to create the book. There I added some layer effects in order to make some of the clouds opaque.

Behind the Scenes

Like what you see? Need any of your great ideas brought to life, just click below and we can get started!