NEIT Wayfinding Case Study

NEIT Second Floor Mockup

Wayfinding Challenge

Create user-friendly signage and wayfinding on the second floor of the New England Institute of Technology campus.  

Signage Objective

New England Institute of Technology Logo (NEIT)

The signs and directory for the New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) are not helpful for a newcomer to the school. People tend to get lost and do not have a sense of where to go in school. The new wayfinding and signage will create easier navigation for new arrivals. 

Design Strategy

Inspired by an idea from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) signage. I decided to reuse the NEIT flame logo as an icon for each individual program. That way there would be unity within the wayfinding and among the different programs. Also, the identity of NEIT would remain constant throughout the school.  


My first take on creating the NEIT signage had some flaws. I tried to add images within the flame and to use counters from the first letter in each program. 

In the end result, it was too hard to depict what the images were because the flame does not leave a lot of space. Also, I had to add more to the counters for the letters that were not as recognizable. 

Later I decided to scrap those ideas and just use the first letter of each program in the flame. I had to add the next letter for some sections because some programs and sections of the school started with the same letter. 

Final Version of New England Institute of Technology Wayfinding

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