Recyclobot Branding

Recyclobot Instruction Manual Mockup

Recyclobot Challenge

Build a recyclable robot and then design a logo and instruction manual for kids on how to build the “recyclobot” that is made from recyclable materials that are found around a household.


When I first began this assignment, I looked around my house for materials and then the internet for inspiration to give me some sort direction to create the recyclobot. I decided to design the recyclobot to resemble WALL-E from the Pixar movie.  

Design Strategy

When I first started sketching out logo ideas, I wanted to use pulleys and bolts to spell out recyclobot, but the readability was becoming
too challenging. 

I decided then to have the logo be the robot itself. When I first had the new logo, it looked boring, I knew I needed to make adjustments in order for it to appeal to kids. This lead to the logo having a jumble look to give it a more playful look that appeals to the children.  

Recyclobot Sketches Mockup
Recyclobot Logo
Recyclobot Photo


Once the logo was complete, the color choices were easy. I stuck with using the typical recycling colors green and blue. Then I began to design the instructions, where I decided to break up the instructions into three sections:

  • Building the Feet
  • Building the Arms & Hands
  • Building the Head
Recyclobot Instruction Manual

The key to the instruction manual was making sure that a child could follow along with the steps. Which is why I wanted to break up the steps into section so that it is easier to follow and the kids do not feel too consumed with the instructions. 

Also, throughout the manual I reused the robot head from the brand to tell fun facts about recycling that way the children are also getting informed about recycling.

Additional Work

With some extra time, I got to design a poster for the Recyclobot brand. I finally got to use my conveyor belt idea. I showed pieces of the Recyclobot logo moving down the belt, and it leads to my logo. Also, around the belt I added more recycling facts to inform the kids. 

Recyclobot Poster

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