Suffering in Silence – A Child Abuse Podcast

Suffering in Silence Child Abuse Logo


Podcasts have become one of the most popular platforms for viewers to receive information. Sonia Johnson, a master’s Public Health student attending New England Tech tasked Jose Diaz and me to create a social media campaign advertising the release of her new podcast about child abuse. 

About the Client

Sonia Johnson is a master’s Public Health student attending New England Institute of Technology. Sonia is passionate about child abuse because she yourself is a mother and she has met many professionals of the topic through her years of work. 


Bring Awareness, Education, and Prevention towards the sole premise of child abuse by breaking up the topic into social posts that the audience can better understand the problem and address it with reassurance.  


Once we got into contact with Sonia, Jose and I decided to have each new week leading to the podcast be about a different topic on child abuse. The three topics were: 

  • What is Child Abuse 
  • The Types of Child Abuse
  • Child Abuse During the Pandemic 


When the plan was established, we designed a new post each week that would display on multiple social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter). We first started with the idea of what exactly child abuse is, then moved to the different types of child abuses, and then child abuse during the covid-19 pandemic.

Child Abuse Intro Poster
Child Abuse Definition Social Post
Types of Child Abuse Post
Four Types of Child Abuses Post
Child Abuse in Pandemic Social Post Cover
Child Abuse in Pandemic Social Post

Then in the final week, we wrapped up the  previous ideas and added a few others and designed an infographic that provided even more information that would be further discussed in the podcast. 

Suffering in Silence Child Abuse Infographic


  • Over 30 listeners for each part of the podcast 
  • 7 followers on Instagram, and 12 likes over 4 posts
  • 2 followers on Twitter and 1 Retweet on a post 
  • 5 people follow us on Facebook with 4 likes over 4 posts 
  • Fulfilled Sonia Johnson’s statement on using accurate and reliable research on the social posts 

Our Client's Review

I think you both did a great job on the project overall, especially in communicating with me. There were a few times where scheduling conflicts got the best of us, but we made do with what times we could meet.

The google document thing was kind of confusing because I had trouble opening it sometimes. In the future, I would probably choose a better platform to use for viewing/sharing documents. I think you both completed your duties accurately and delivered on what was promised. 

The graphics for every aspect of this assignment were great and the chemistry between you guys meshed well. The editing of the audio in the podcast saved me from total embarrassment.

Jose you took the opportunity to join our class to get a better understanding of what we were learning. Hopefully, it benefits you in the future. I look forward to working with you both at a later date and time.


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